Friday 11 July 2008


Why cant men keep secrets? After all, women are the ones getting blamed for all the gossip around the office/class you name it. But my experience has shown me time and time again men cannot be trusted to keep a secret one bit! You tell a guy something personal followed by ''please dont tell anyone''..........and he can't wait to tell all his friends.....and what's the excuse he gives when he is caught at it? of course.........what other than ''I was too drunk I dont even remember saying it'' and here's another thing I don't get, they act so sweet and caring around you but hang around them when their friends come over and they turn into these wiered loud and boisterous creatures no respect for women folk..what's with that? You'd think they all have multiple personallity disorder....

For example,There's this guy who works right next to me in office. Nice guy ,very manly, smart and a very high IQ level. I can tell the second he starts up a conversation with a girl/women on the phone. his voice changes automatically to a softer,smoother,ligering tone-If I didnt know any better I'd think he flirts with all the women he talks to on the phone.........What's up with that too I ask? Once I did confront him and told him and told him I can always tell the minute he is on the phone to a girl -his reply was that women in general speak very softly and it just rubs in on him,hmph!

And when it comes to my own man.............why dont mothers train them to pick up their clothes when they are kids?. My man's got this habit-what ever comes off his back stays right there on the ground. I could kick it, use it to scrub the floor till I can see my face on it yet he wouldnt pick it up until I nag him to! It's the same with his socks as soon as they come off they are tossed on to the bed rather than the laundry basket (which I swear is much closer than the bed!)I spoke to one of my friends about this recently and she confirms her man's just the same. Why arent men programmed to clean up after themselves? Why do us women have to put up with all this? why are we brought up to believe as kids that we are the ones reponsible for the cleaning,cooking,washing,looking after the kids etc-Have you ever seen a little boy play cups and saucers or dress up dolls (kids)? Maybe that's the problem here..........


~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

oh no we aint goin to play with tea cups & saucers.. no way :P..

How abt u go on strike, u aint goin to clean or do his pick ups?? im sure the thought has come across.. or u've tried n failed??

Thanks for the heads up btw..will now know wht not to do around a woman..

Single in My Mind said...

been there done that. still no luck and I hate living in a messy house so end up doing it myself!
Glad to hear someone will remember my ranting and change for the better